Príďte na chatu “Bernardína“ v chatovej oblasti Tatranský Lieskovec 3, ktorá je súčasťou tatranskej obce Tatranská Štrba, pod Štrbským Plesom.
Tu môžete relaxovať celoročne a využívať pohostinnosť a výborné zázemie, ktoré Vám môžeme poskytnúť, vo výborne zariadenej chate.
Mimoriadne cennou je ideálna poloha chaty „Bernardína“ na ktorú sa možno dostať celoročne autom, vlakom, autobusom, k hotelom, obchodom, pošte, zastávke vlaku - „zubačke“ je 5 minút a centru Vysokých Tatier - Štrbskému Plesu je 8 minút.
Ku chate sa dostanete po celý rok autom, popri zubačke, od zastávky zubačky 250 m, parkovanie je na oplotenom parkovisku priamo pri chate pre 3 autá.
Chata je situovaná s možnosťou ubytovania 9 osôb, sú tu izby 1x3 / 1x2 / 1x4 lôžka, veľká samostatná kuchyňa.
Pri vstupe do chaty Vás privíta veranda, kde si môžete spríjemniť čas poobedňajšou kávou. Vstúpite do predsiene, kde môžete stolovať, táto je prepojená s veľkou obývacou halou s krbom, sedacími súpravami, televízorom so satelitom.
S halou je prepojená veľká kuchyňa, ktorá je kompletne vybavená elektrickým sporákom s elektrickou rúrou, chladničkou s mrazničkou, mikrovlnkou, kávovarom a rýchlovarnou kanvicou. Je tu kúpeľňa so sprchou a samostatné WC.
Na poschodí sú spálne s lôžkami 1x3 / 1x2 / 1x4 lôžka. Každá izba má balkón a rádio. Tiež je tu samostatné sociálne zariadenie s WC.
Chata je vykurovaná elektrickým ústredným kúrením na počítač, je veľmi teplá.
Pre oddych po celodennom výlete si môžete na ohnisku opekať, vo vonkajšom krbe ugrilovať špeciality, ktoré môžete konzumovať na štýlovom tatranskom stole s lavicami, ktorý je v noci osvetlený.
Sme radi, ak Vás naša ponuka zaujala a vždy Vás privítame a spríjemníme Vám pobyt a relax v chate „Bernardína“.
Cena ubytovania za osobu a noc 10-15 €.
Vianočné sviatky a Silvester prenajíma sa iba celá chata, cena sa dojednáva osobitne za chatu a noc.+ Kaucia: 50 €
Cena ubytovania zahŕňa ubytovanie, energie, elektrinu, vodu, parkovanie priamo pri chate na oplotenom a uzamykateľnom parkovisku.
Pri príchode na chatu je potrebné zaplatiť kauciu, ktorá sa pri odchode a odovzdaní chaty v pôvodnom stave vracia.
Do you want to enjoy active relaxation in the High Tatras, Slovakia?
Come to a cottage “Bernardína“ in the community Tatransky Lieskovec No.3 which is a part of Tatra’s community, called Tatranska Strba, below Strbske Pleso. You can find relaxation here all year round, hospitality and excellent facilities in the cottage.
The location of “Bernardína“ cottage is ideal because you can get here all year round by car, train, by bus and from here it is easy to get to the hotels, shops, post office and to a cogwheel train station, it’s only 5 minutes and to get to Strbske Pleso - center of the High Tatras - it’s only 8 minutes.
You can get to the cottage all year round by car, next to the cogwheel railway, from the cogwheel railway stop 250 m, parking is in a fenced guarded parking lot right next to the cottage for 3 cars.
The accommodation in the cottage is for 9 people. The rooms are 1x3 / 1x2 / 1x4 beds and big separate kitchen.
At the entrance, there is a big veranda, where you can enjoy afternoon coffee. Then there is a lobby where you can eat and this is connected to a big hall with the fireplace, sofas, armchairs and the TV with satellite.
The hall has a large kitchen that is fully equipped with an electric hob with electric oven, refrigerator with freezer, microwave, coffee maker and electric kettle. There is a bathroom with a shower and a separate toilet.
Upstairs there are bedrooms with beds 1x3 / 1x2 / 1x4. Each room has a balcony and a radio. Here is also a separate bathroom and a toilette.
The cottage has an electric central heating system operated by a computer and the cottage is very warm.
For relaxing after a day trip, you can grill in the fireplace, in the outdoor fireplace, specialties that you can eat on a stylish Tatra table with benches that are illuminated at night.
We hope that our offer caught your attention and we will be very happy to have you in our cottage.
We are looking forward to your visit.
Fee for the accommodation for 1 person per night 10-15 €.
At Christmas and New Year’s Eve, you have to rent the whole cottage, and the price is calculated separately for cottage and night.
The accommodation price includes accommodation, energy, electricity, water, parking directly at the cottage on the fenced and locked parking lot.
When registering at the cottage, it is necessary to pay the deposit: 50 € which will be fully returned back at the departure if there are no damages caused.
We provide Tatry Card with our clients (high-speed rail travel in the High Tatras free of charge, significant discounts on all lifts and cableways, including the cable car to Lomnický Peak). The card price is 4 €.